i stayed in jail here, kinda cool - they took one old historic jail and transformed it to a backpacker's. a bit odd sleeping in a cell and seeing bars on the doors, but amusing non the less (well, we watched "Shawshank Redemption", which was good for the occasion).
lets do a quick summary of NZ in numbers:
- 40 days (not including Hong kong)
- drove 4444 km (needed to drive half an hour around town for that)
- approx. 200-300 km by foot on tracks
- 26.5 kg in my luggage (almost needed to overweight, but convinced them it is hiking equip)
- 50$ worth of food thrown (or given) away on the last day
- 1315 pictures
- 4GB of images
- 13 posts
now i'm back in hong kong, starting to cellebrate the new year of the rat and then back to israel... on the plane here we were only 17 passengers, so it was kinda intimiate. i've never been on a plane where we all played cards, taki, chess, checkers and such - what a friendly enviroment...
i think that's it for now... pictures will follow...