Monday, February 4, 2008

The Cook-Kaikora Days

well, after dunedin suddenly i realized i'm running out of time. and like every good israeli tourist. i wanted to make as much as possible. so i've decided i'll go to mt. cook and then to kaikora in 1 day (including side trips). well, i forgot to check and see that it's actually about 600 km, with all the side trips i wanted to do. so it was a long day, but kinda nice.

on the way to mt. cook they have those rocks shaped like animals, nice - but not as magnificent as the mountain itself...

on kaikora i had only some luck with all my plans. i went swimming with seals, which was really amazing (but sadly, no pictures) and then i went on a whale watch. now - imagine this: rough sea, bad weather (but i already got used to that on my "Once in a lifetime" attractions...) and they issued a specific warning that "YOU ARE VERY LIKELY TO SUFFER FROM SEA-SICKNESS ON THIS CRUISE". and one dumb tourist (NOT ME!) decided he wants to go. half an hour later, he starts to become sea-sick. and then he panics about it, and then he faints. we all returned to the shore without watching a whale. the funny thing is that his girlfriend told us he ALWAYS gets sea-sick in boats... damn tourists!

just before i haded back to christchurch, i went to a sheep-shearing show. i wanted to shear one myself, but they didn't allowed it here on this place :(
and now, for the last place i'll be in NZ - christchurch...

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