first of all - i must say - everything written here is in like 2 days of delay. just untill i catch up and will have a bit more free time and internet access, writing this sentences i'm now at queenstown, after two days at wanaka - but information on that will be disclosed in future posts.
as it seems now, every 15 years or so i need to see a glacier, i don't know why - maybe some sort of lack of snow in israel or something like that, but it has been about 15 years now sicne i've been to swiss and watched the glacier there - and here i am, watching another one. true - not as big and not as white (or blue, or purple, whatever color you want to name it, i don't care about those kind of things - from obvious reasons...)
met quite a bunch of people here, also made with them part of the glacier and even drove with some to wanaka later, i'll expand more on that on the pictures section... there are a-lot of german around, after that Japs (and other asians, i can't really tell) and then israelis.
those from the states are usually old, retired 50yr old, bored and harassing backpackers about different subjects, mostly related to jesus if they hear you are from israel...
oh, and what do you know, here it comes, the pictures section:
2 guys from the peace core how are assigned now in the area, and took some time off in NZ:
three german girls:
and a glacier:
water-fall near the glacier, if there are no water in it - then it means there is going to be a snow-slide and you better watch-out. not much of a sign 'cause it gives you like 10 minutes, but what can you do?
malina, a german girl i later travled with for a while:
people taking pictures, my favorite:
and some more glacier: