Well, i won't say much here. the only thing i must say is that it is more amazing then i could think. if someone would have showed me a picture of some of the views, with nothing but nature as far as you can see, i think i would be positive that he photoshoped the picture or something...
it was a 3 days track i did with two more israelis. 3 if you count an israeli girl which travelled alone and we met her in each hut. and it was raining through the start of the second day (HEAVY rain, they kid you not about those 4 seasons a day shit).
-- Pictures --
Noam, Me and Yoel, about an hour into the track:
kids who travelled with thier parents:
two aussi kids (the girl twisted her ankle a day later)
Seven Weeks (!) old israli boy, my parents never took ME to New Zealand when i was 7 weeks!
a magnificent view:
the rainbow just before the storm:
and in the path:
walking through a cloud (and looking down to it)
morning frost:
People taking pictures:
and finally, the warning on the toilet bin. i found the 3rd point as the best: