Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Routeburn and Queenstown - Afterthoughts...

2 small things i wanted to add about last friday (the last day of the track and the way back to queenstown):

1. even if you think you are dehidreated - don't drink 3 liters just before a 4 hours bus drive. just don't.

2. the following conversation took place in a burger place (fergburger). we ordered some food for a SHABAT meal (we even did KIDDUSH on the hamburger - the one with cheese on...):

  • Me: can i have some ketchup?
  • Clerk: sure, how many?
  • Me: 2 please.
  • Clerk: There you Go
  • Yoel: oh, can i have some ketchup too?
  • Clerk: they are 50 cents each
  • Me: ?
  • Yoel (Trying to understand): but he just got two!
  • Me: ?
  • Clerk: well, he took them before i asked for money, so technically he stole them...
  • Me (still standing right there!): ?!?
    Me and Yoel are searching for a dollar and giving it to her
  • Clerk: is this for 2 new ones or the ones you already took?
    at that point we left, frusterated...

Catlins information will follow...